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Related article: mind. There is something almost Oriental in the delicate way in which the counsellors of the al fresco farmers' luncheon, be- tween deep draughts of good sound liquor, deliver their terse criticism on any proposition Clobetasol .05 which clashes with the accepted views on agricultural questions. But, long before such subjects have been even summarily talked out, it is time to Clobetasol Solution be moving on. The sherry bottle goes its last round in vain; and with pipes and cigars all in full worlong order, the line forms up again. The afternoon march is the most joyous and lively of the day. There is more noise and more ex- citement, Clobetasol Ointment 0.05 more Clobetasol Propionate Ointment shooting at hope- lessly long ranges, and more chaff after every miss. But now the birds are more scattered, and easier to Buy Clobetasol Online get at. Possibly they are more tired than the stalwart yeomen, who are now in blood- i9oa] STAGHUNTING HISTORY. 277 thirsty mood. Before luncheon Clobetasol Propionate Cream they were thinking rather of their own Sybaritic holiday than of Generic Clobetasol shooting straight ; and their arms, long used to other sorts of hard exercise, came up rather stiffly with the gun. But now their blood is up ; their eye is in ; and they are burning to distinguish themselves by making a good bag. The pace, urged on by this praiseworthy ambition, becomes tremendous. Even the beaters, exhilarated by long draughts of beer or cider of unwonted potency, are caught by the spirit of sporting enthusiasm. They be- come demonstrative, and even communicative. They mark and find the birds with a success that makes them almost think they are all clever fellows. And in time the pace begins to tell. The white pony with a suspicious- looking pannier slung over his back becomes ' an interesting figure in the background. Pre- sently its attractive Clobetasol Ointment power draws towards it some of the nearest guns. A popping of corks be- trays the fact that inside the pannier are certain shiny bottles, the contents of which may be made to combine very happily with those of another bottle of a more golden hue. A general ad- journment is made to the white pony's side. Then the home fields of clover and turnips are traversed at a slower speed by those of the party who have not yet had enough walking. Then a short stroll homewards ; a good wash ; and a good dinner. And a bout of whist and nap to finish up the day. £. B. M. Staghunting History. On the 8th of September last Clobetasol Propionate 0.05 the Devon and Somerset Stag- hounds, after a few preliminary bye days, began their regular season, and had a run which compares favourably with Clobetasol Propionate the sport of most opening days. There are plenty of visitors in the West country; all available accommodation has been snapped up, and a good season appeared to be in store for those who like to begin hunting at the earliest opportunity, for now-adays the huntsman's horn is nowhere heard before the second week in August, though in olden days Mr. Nicholas Snow used to exercise his hounds after foxes all the year round in the Exmoor country. Of recent years hunting the wild stag in Devon and Somerset has grown to be quite the fashion, and fields VOL. LXXIV. — NO. 488. of Leicestershire proportions are seen with the pack. Sir J. Amory, as is well known, started a private pack of stag- hounds to hunt the Tiverton country about two years ago, Clobetasol Lotion as the deer had spread, and had wan- dered rather beyond the range of the Devon and Somerset. Then quite lately it was hoped to esta- blish a third pack under the master- ship of Mr. Basset, a former master Clobetasol Online of the Devon and Somerset, to hunt the Barnstaple country, as nearly two score of deer had strayed that way. Six hundred pounds, however, was needed for the formation of the proposed pack, and Clobetasol Propionate Lotion this sum was beyond the resources of the county, so the project was abandoned, and the Barnstaple sportsmen desirous of staghimting had only the look-out 21 278 BAILY S MAGAZINE. [October- of making their way to one of the other packs; but at the last moment Mr. Peter Or m rod who had not found staghunting in Lancashire Clobetasol 0.05 Ointment all beer and skittles, decided to take his hounds to the West Country where he has shown fair sport with a mixed pack. In point of antiquity hunting the stag is possibly only second to the pursuit Order Clobetasol of the hare — Clobetasol Cream perhaps it is older; in any case we can trace it a long way Buy Clobetasol back, and it has been popular in many countries. Henry IV. of France was a great admirer of staghunting, and in the way of amusement thought of little else; while Louis XV. was so devoted to hunting that even his love letters are full of his admiration for the sport, and his criticisms on it. No complete history of hunting in England exists ; but if it did we should find that when our country was covered with woods which have since been cut down, staghunting was at least as common as any other form of the chase. Long before foxhunting was heard of in Lin- colnshire, the Earls of Lincoln pursued the stag, and stagbounds were kennelled at Belvoir Castle, at Quorndon, in Sussex, when St. Leonards Forest was a forest in something more than a name ; in Surrey, and in the north Clobetasol 0.05 Cream of England ; while at Killarney, in Ireland, staghunting was quite a famous annual function. The Devon and Somerset pack of staghounds are probably as old as the Clobetasol En Crema Queen's Buckhounds, whose history has been written by Mr. Clobetasol Cream 0.05 Hore and Lord Ribblesdale, the latter a former master. Whereas, however, the history of the ** Queen's " goes back to the time of the early Edwards, we know nothing of the Devon and Somer- set prior to the time of Queen